
Knowing me!!

My photo
she's BLUR..she's SLEEPY..she's ERRATIC..she's SARCASTIC..she loved NICE FINGERS..she loved to be BOOK WORM..she loved SEPET EYES..she addicted to MIRROR..she addicted to NON-MALAY MOVIE.. she addicted to TAGALOG..she ANTI TAUGE TEGAR :) yeah she is what she is..if YOU dont like..what she can say;"like i care?"..

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Dua Insan yg Sentimental

i'm reading this comic "semerah simpulan cinta" by Nakamura Sayumi..
one of my fav story on this comic is Dua Insan yang Sentimental..
super duper cute laa..i know it was comic so called as cerita dongeng
but damn cute la bila;

Chiko(girl)-> Chiko nose will bleeding when she's damn nervous.
Shinnosuke(boy)-> Shinnosuke will cry when he's terharu like hell.

see..comel apa..Chiko doesn't happy when others know her weaknesses( bleeding nose).so dia akn sembunyi..
one day kantoi yg Chiko yg berdarah hidung bila malu or nervous and Shinnosuke akn menangis bila teharu..
like "eh i know ur weaknesses n u too"..maka mereka jd baik.
last2 sekali hehehhe pls read by your own k...
but i swear...sumpah cute cerita ni..hehe :)

p/s: kenapa perlu ada test time org dh nk cuti raya ni?? jhtnya mereka.. huhuhu

Monday, August 30, 2010

Such a lacking man!

"Yu Kyung, i'm sorry i'm such a lacking man to you. I have so much i want to do for you,but i'm still very lacking. But my heart is full of you, more than everyone in the world. So life maybe tough and hard and sometimes, it might be suffocatingly too much to handle, but i'm here. So trust me and bear it a little more." - Kim Tak Gu

auwwwwwwww..dang cute n sweet laa Kim Tak Gu ni.saya mahu bf yg mcm ni boleh tak? :)
maybe i've mentioned hundred times yg Kim Tak Gu ni comel..peduli apa aku.haha
i really mean it..dia cute.dia cute.dia cute dan dia cute lg :p
and if this guy made amendment on the name of the girl like; Yu Kyung->Pikah :))
for sure sy akn buat lompat bintang..hahaha
apakah.terberangan plak kn..shooooh main jauh2 sana..

p/s:oh plsssssss...i want this guy..give it to me pls pls pls pls..

Sunday, August 29, 2010

That person

listen to OST Baker King Kim Tak Gu

that person who made me smile
that person who made me cry
that person with warm lips
that person has found my heart
i can't erase that person i can't forget that person
that person is like my breath
that person is leaving.that love
my hurting heart
that person who doesn't know anything
i loved you and i love you again
i've no choice but to let u go my person
although my heart is in pieces
although those memories stab me
the falling tears of that person
it hurts me even more
that person who doesn't know anything
instead of tears,instead of sadness
forget me and live happily my love
when our lives end
and when we close our eyes
remember that once
i loved you and i loved you again..

see..those sadness face of Kim Tak Gu

-: sedih kan kan kan tgk muka dia??lirik lagu tu pn sedih..apakah aku bersedih di mlm hari :P

This is for you..

nota kaki: special for Ahmad Yau (a guy who r anti social networking a.k.a FB)

oleh kerana utk Ahmad Yau maka semua pict ada gmbr hang yau..yg lain2 nnt aku bg kt pendrive ja..

and oh..ini pict time kteorg BERBUKA BERSAMA :)

First Time

mode; separa-sedih (ada ke mode mcm ni??)

Baker King,Kim Tak Gu...
i've finished watching this kdrama until eps 18..
coz there's no subtitle for eps 19..harunyaaaaaaaaaa!!
huwaaaaaaa...why haaa this drama so so so sad???
and i cried for Kim Tak Gu..cis buat malu je tgk drama nangis2 haha :P
oh yes..before terlupa..i'm gonna tell u this;
this is the first time for me to detest 2nd hero of kdrama..
b4 this i'm always saying that 2nd hero of kdrama is cool and sympathy and so on..
normally, i'll said this for 2nd hero;

1)how pity of youuuu...
2)actually he's gentleness (especially when this man do something bad but not on purpose)
3)eh...he's cute, sweet n cool rather than 1st hero..
4)he will do anything to ensure that girl happy (if u happy,it is enough for me even i need let u go)..

Unfortunately, 2nd hero for Baker King,Kim Tak Gu is not deserve for that 'saying'(for me)..
Gu Ma Jun, i hate this character damnnn much..
i dont know why.but every time i saw his face i just couldn't think "this guy actually pretty cool by doing so"..
Ok..bukn tak ada rasa kesin kat dia..but he's not deserve for that feeling..
trust me..maybe others will said "kesian laaa kat dia tu" but not for me till this moment..
maybe i should watching that drama till the end and i'll decide whether he's deserve or not??heheh
From the 1st eps until 18.. what i can say is "i dont like Ma Jun and serve ur right"
wahhh...gila kejam kan aku..but who cares..hehe
Cannot put all the blame on Ma Jun( for what he's done to Kim Tak Gu)..
the way he is bring up make him be like that( full with anger,cold and revenge)..
mungkin Mak n Ayah dia boleh di persalahkn..or maybe nenek dia sekali..haahahhaa

This is the list of K-drama where i think 2nd hero character is more cool and sweet.. :)
  • Personal Taste - Han Chang Ryul
  • Brilliant Legacy - Park Joon Se
  • Autumn in My Heart - Han Tae Suhk
  • Winter Sonata - Kim Sang Hyuk
  • Full House - Kim Sung Soo
  • Wonderful Life - Min Do Hyun
ini jek yg aku termampu nk igt sebb dah byk sgt tgk cerita korea ni...hehehe

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Friday, August 27, 2010

Student's Abusing

ceh..title gila macam kena derakan :p
i felt be abusing indirectly..
let me tell u why this indirectly-abusing come across on my mind..

Before students can go home for their mid-term break;
1)2 weeks before that, all test n quiz will come together.
2) during this time laaa..all lecturer will give u asgt.
3)its not enough for them to give us asgt,test n quiz...dia suruh buat presentation plak..

can you see here before we can get our peaceful mid-term break..
all of our lecturer seakan-akan buat pakatan mari-kita-kasi-depa-kerja-yg-byk!!

During mid-term break ofcoz laaa students mau enjoy puas2 kn..
1) bangunan tido dgn lambtnya (especially for those yg everyday claz kul 8.30 pg)..
2) duk layan segala movie&series yg ada dlm laptop or external..
3) hang out tanpa rasa penat dgn kwn2
4) baca segala atuk nenek novel yg tak sempt nk baca time hari ada class
5) bersuka suki bersama keluarga tercinta..
6) and if cuti time raya mestilaaaaaaaa nak beraya sakan even tak laaa sakan sgt pn..

see..ada ke antara to-do-list tu mentioned psl

tak ada kan??
and for the real situation...
we as a student harus menyelitkn sedikit masa utk buat asgt time cuti...
apakah??? cuti pn kena buat kerja...

After mid-term break;

once again, test+quiz+asgt+presentation will come together w'out feel boring..
trust me...trend ni akan terjadi every semester..
cubalah anda duduk2 dan renung2kn..

hehe..ok..i'll continue my reading coz this evening ada test..
Project Management.saya harus gigih kerana paper ni adalah paper 4 credit hours.. :)

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Pissed me off


i'm begging you people...
please don't pissed me off..
but u just did it!!!


lanjutan kisah semalam...

ok..semlm aku langgar kereta org kn..
then sebb aku yg slh maka aku pn bg la phone number.
at first pakcik(dia bahasakan diri dia abg) tu slh salin but then aku lurus bendul p betulkan.
for me tak apalah..dah mmg aku yg salahkan..
1st msg dia (lebih kurng 4 jam lepas accident)..
mention dia siapa n bla bla bla bla...
so weird bila dia kata kereta dia rosak kat RIM & FUK..
leps langgr aku tgk kereta dia ada calar kt pintu belakang driver...
coz mmg tempt tu yg aku hentammmmmmmmmmmm...
macam mana ko boleh cakap RIM&FUK ko yg jahanam wahai pakcik oiiii...
from talked about car...dia melalut dah...part ni yg aku tak suka...
ptg waktu2 dekt nk buka dia antr msg..tanya; beli mknn apa??
perlu ke pakcik????ok tak apa..layan lg..
but bila dia tanya tang aku duk mana, study mana n asl mana aku dah menyirap dah ni...
mlm...mlm tu dia msg lg...tanya bila nk jumpa..
so aku ckp ari ahd coz claz pack..
fyi pakcik..saya bz gila minggu ni sampai laaaa next week..
and you know what...he asking me "tak kn mlm pn bz??" dah lebih dah ni...dah mlm mmg saya bz nk study nk wat cm mana..
settle tang tu..dia ckp "adik jgn risau abg tak marah pn"...
damn serious...aku rasa nk munth tahu!!!
and today...dia msg lg..
tnya buka mkn apa?beli kt mana?n jgn mkn byk2...
motive hereeeeeeeeeeee....
YA ALLAH...tak sanggup aku...
siap pesan..abg nk g surau dulu..nnt mlm sms....

Hellooooooooooooooooooooooo PAKCIK...
awk tu dah laaa dah kahwin..maunya bini ko mengamuk..
yg jd mangsa..aku juga kn...
I HATE THIS...but kena tunggu sampai jumpa pakcik ni ari ahad..
manalah tahu takyah byr ganti rugikn..
but for sure laaa aku jd paranoid bila music sms for hp aku berbunyi..
aku geli,meluat,menyampah dan seangkatan dgnnya bersatu.bergabung..

Oh Tuhan...sila la beri hambamu ini kesabaran utk menghadapi pakcik tu..amin..

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


saya adalah pemandu kenderaan yg tidah berHATI-HATI
maaf kawan-kawan (cikin n cikrose) sebb buat awk ber2 terkejut..
my mistake...
yes..u can put all blame on me.
and for the car owner (tira)..maaf juga..
who should be blame??
hujan yg lebat/kereta(yg di lnggar) yg laju/me myself..
mestilaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aku yg slhkn...
dah terpaksa skip claz..
and sooo lucky bila kereta tira tak teruk..
bumper je yg rebeh sebelah..
but still i'm felt guilty...

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

YES..i am addicted :)

mode: love melody come from piano..

i was addicted to the instrumental melody especially piano..
damn much to say ek...
okey..maybe(for me) that melodies sound nice and peaceful :)
ceh..seems like aku jiwng gila kn?? but who caressss... :p

did i tell u about this mata-sepet-berbaju-purple guy???
not yet rite..hmmm hmmm (betulkan tekak)
i met this guy (terserempak actually) at bazaar ramadhan..
auwwwww....mata dia sepet laaa...tipi cowok gue ni. hahaha (mode gatal terlebih)
what make this guy become soooo interested????
'double-looking' from him..hahaha
see..before this when i'm walking sambil berfikir2 nk beli makanan apa..
i never noticed about other person UNLESS someone called my name or say hye..
dan baru laaa saya ni teperasankn org lain..hehe :)
but about this mata-sepet-berbaju-purple guy ni..
sayalah yg tgk dia..haha out of sudden my eyes TERPANDANG..
sebb tgh tunggu my housemates habis bershopping
so called as tgh berangan while waiting..
maka mata saya pun ter-capture laaa muka mamat ni..
and others is history....hahahahaha comel laaa...
apakah...siapakah yg awk ckp comel wahai cik pikah??

and oh...cant wait for hari raya break..
masa sila laaa berlalu dgn cepat..sebb cik pikah ni TAK SABAR nak balik cuti raya :p

Monday, August 23, 2010

Bila ada TEST..

dan sebenarnya (ceh,mcm lirik lagu yuna haha)..
tomorrow ada test ECO MAS..even 2 chapter..
tanpa empunya diri ni sgttttttttttttt laaaa malaaaaaaaaassssssssssssssssss...
ha tgk tu..punya pnjng nk describe thp kemalasan diri sendiri..

i am tired...damn much tired..
i need lonnnngggggggg break..
whats wrong with me???

can't wait for mid term break..2 weeks (angkt2 kening)
hehehe...cepat laa masa berlalu...
i need my mid term break...

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Hoobastank - The Reason


mode:: confusing :)

yeah..i am confuse rite now..tapi boleh senyum2..apakah..
symptom2 apakah itu??
okey..never mind...just let me be "minah confuse" for awhile..
(sampai bilakah??)

Friday, August 20, 2010

My mum :)

Happy Birthday Mak...
  • semoga mak panjang umur..
  • semoga mak murah rezeki...
  • semoga mak sihat selalu...
thanks mak coz membesarkn org yg nakal nie.. admit org mmg nakal if nk compare dgn adik..
but i loveeeee u soooooo much..
and i am really really really sori if b4 dis org ada buat mak bekecil hati ke apa ke..
sumpah org tak ada niat...
and i promise i'll study hard to get what ever i want and bring happiness for u mum :)
wah...mak mesti teharu kn kn kn... :P

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Double post..who caressss :)

Topic; Berbuka..

normally, we(me,cikin,dayana,dila n tira) akn berbuka dirumah saja..
from where the foods come?? ofcoz laa kteorg gigih berbelanja di bazaar kn..
to be specific..kteorg p bazaar peringgit eventho our house near to bazaar cempaka!!
It is just because bazaar cempaka too crowded..
geselan akn belaku di sana dan di sini (me dislike this) :(
so kami pn pergilah ke bazaar peringgit yg maha besar dan lapang itu...hehe :)

out of sudden,kteorg nk berbuka kt kedai makan..
sebb dah bosan beli makanan kt bazaar...
maka kteorg pn p laaa kedai S** P**** ni..
ramai org okey kedai ni..dlm hati cakap mesti sedap tu yg ramai...
gigih laa cari tempt duduk..yeay dapat!! (give me 5)..
order timeeeeee.....weeeeeeeeeeeeeee
belek2 menu..confused ni nk mkn apa...
nmpk mcm sedap kan..
nsi goreng udang pattani OR set ayam percik????
me as usual laaa..tergoda kn when it concern about prawn n chicken :)..
punyaaaa laaa gigih berfikir nk buka apa...
last2..order set ayam percik..
dayana n dila order nsi goreng ayam percik..
cikin order nsi putih n tomyam campur..
tira order benda yg sama with me..
cikrose order spaghetti..
kteorg punya makanan semua tak sedap..except for CIKIN punya...
haruslahhhhh terbantut selera nk mkn..
and and and...
u guess what...
air kt kedai tu sgt MAHAL OKEY!!!
teh o' ais limau and teh o' ais RM 2..
apakah!!!!! order jus buah pn tak mhl mcm ni tawu!!
geram aku di situ...
and oh yes...kami tak kan makan lg kt kedai tu...FOR SURE :)
even jalan2 cari mkn dh p kedai tue..sumph x sedap..
ayam masak sambal serai they called as AYAM PERCIK!!!
aku pn pandai masak set ayam percik yg ko bg kat aku tu wahai orang kedai..
nk hilngkn stress psl makanan xsedp tu..
kteorg pn singgah laa jusco kt depan rumh tu...
beli SWEET PLUM POTATO FRIES...thumbs up!! sedap..yum yum yum.. :)

hehe..itu jek nk cerita..
mesti korang ckp TAK BAIK merunggut psl makanan time berbuka kn??
but for me..QUALITY OF THE FOODS is important ok..
just because i'm too fussy..hehe :P
oh...yg menjadikan aku sgt marah disini ialah kedai tu bukan exclusive pn..cikai je..
aircond pn tak ada!!!

when he ate too many ant!!

what the fish..
i know u r human being(golden age lg)...
the problem about short memory lost tu mmg laaa adakan..
but u really really make me sick with ur behavior..
swear..i never meet wif someone(golden age)yg suka memaki-maki ni..
sakit hati aku(sabar pikah!!puasa ni..)
and i'm not patience enough to deal with u!!!
huwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..nape laaaa ko suka menyusahkan org?????
WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY...........

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

begging u for mercy :)

i've new obsession rite now..
kemaruk dgn csi miami(dri dulu lg),skng sibuk nk hbiskn tgk season 5..i know its lame coz now dh main season 8 but who careess!! hahaha
2nd kemaruk nk tgk ok ini drama..totally awesome..
3rd kemaruk dgn air jambu..well ini adalah air yg WAJIB bila smpai buln pose:)

ni jek kot yg aku kemaruk sgt for dis moment..hehe

and haa..i already changed my broadband say gud bye to celcom! :)

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Happy Fasting Everyone..

Ayah Mak & Adik..
selamat berpuasa :)

Maybe this ramadhan is quite different from the previous years..
it's just because my Ayah n Mak akan berbuka puasa BERDUA sahaja...
4 years ago kami sekeluarga akan berbuka bersama..
this is the fourth time me my self berpuasa as a PERANTAUAN.. 1st experience be as an PERANTAUAN in fasting month is difficult tough..
on the year was my 1st experience; berpuasa di Kedah tanpa mak ayah dan adik.. is funny when i called my mum in JB sebb nk cakap MAKANAN KAT DINING DAH HABIS...what my mum can do???nk post laju ke???ofcoz she cant...hahaha...
this year my adik have to face the same thing like i was..
mungkin sebab dia adik..maka dia agak sedikit cengeng...
and my ayah n mak pn ada sedikit sedih(i dont think sedikit)...
td malam my mak call and she sound very very sad(crying)...
4 years w'out me at home is nothing much for my ayh n mak..
sebab ada adik utk di ajak bergaduh n bla bla bla..
but this year, adik masuk belajar and it's far from our home..adik kat Perak..
sooo..boleh bygkn tak mcm mana ayah n mak kt rumah tue???
mestilaaaaa SEDIH GILA..anak dia berdua TAK ADA kt rumh on the fasting month..
haruslaaaaaaa mereka berdua menangis kn..hehhe
and the bad is my cousin yg duduk kt rumh tu dpt kerja kt tempt lain..
lead to my mak tinggl sorang2 kt rumh if ayh blik pity my mak..
tak ada org nk ajk berbual bergossip n ber bla bla bla...

If i've a cuti yg pnjng mybe i'm going home for dis ramadhan..but hanya cuti seari pd ari rabu...
mcm mana nk blik???
i should calling my mak or not??if call confirm punya dia akan sedih..
if tak call mcm tak amik berat laa plakkn...dilema!!!

As a ANAK SULUNG mungkin saya sedikit cekal n hati batu dari adik..
rasa-rasanya sebb dulu kena masuk PLKN laa...
dah laaa HP kena amik masa kt PLKN...if rindu family what can i do is PENDAM jaa...
bila dpt smbung study kt KEDAH tu lg laaa jauh dari rumh..12 jam ok perjalanan...
haruslah aku jd manusia paling cekalkan even ada sedikit sedih..
now aku dah mcm hati keras+batu...
ada rasa sedih jauh dari family tp muka mcm tak ada rasa apa-apa..
and my aunt say "ko lain laa...ganas tu yg xkesah study jauh2"...
hell...she never knew what i'm feel bila dia ckp mcm tu kn...
logically...should i crying like a baby bila dpt study jauh2???..ofcoz laa tak kn...
sedih mmg sedih...but life must be go on...
nk duk nangis meratap what can i get from that??nothing precious!!!
so my stand is bila rindu kat family tahap overdose we must know how to cope wif this matter..
mentality n physically well-prepared!!
tak kn selama-lamanya nk duduk bawh ketiak mak n ayah kan??
tipu if i said i never miss my mak ayah n adik time kt kedah.. I DO..
but i never voice it out to others..
what i'm always do time berbuka is "mak ayah adik selamat berbuka"...

once again...happy fasting month to all muslim.. :)

Monday, August 09, 2010

Book Worm Oh Book Worm..

yes...lately ni semangat BOOK WORM sgt menjadi-jadi...
trust me..i already finished read blog yg entry dia more than 900..
percayalah percayalah..tak tipu ni :)
and semlm dah khatamkan novel simply the best..(arini duk pinjm novel baru THE SECRET)
okey..sumpah best novel nie(xkesah if korang kata TAK BEST)..hahaha
how the sweet guy(mack) try to be a good fren for his bestfriend(alex)..
this novel remind me about the other novel UNTUK AWAK TEJA AULIA..
concept yg sama tang;Adil suka kt Aulia(kwn baik dia since hingusan lg) tp takut nk ckp just because Adil rasa dia will ruin everything to the worse-case-scenario if dia bg tahu kat Aulia yg he was in love with her!!! same goes to Mack..he was afraid the relationship will affected by saying 'I love U' to Alex..
itu ja yg sama...yg lain tak...hehe but seriously both novel BESSSSTTTTTTTTTTT....
sila laa baca if nak tahu for the real both cerita ni best ke tidak..

from my reading;
-Is not easy to say I LOVE U at ur bestfriend(opposite sex) me..
-u'll do EVERYTHING n ANYTHING to make sure ur bestfriend happy and smile..even that things killing u softly(like Mack n Adil did)...

can you see how sweet that story(UATA n STB)??
sweeeeettttttt tawwwwuuuu...hahaha

Sunday, August 08, 2010

dont trust me...

i do have a problem when it's become "lets make decision" time..
for eg;what i'm gonna to eat,buy,wear and do..hahah mslh betul..
i found my self always DO something out-of-the-blue from my 'wish-lists'
  • lunch-'ari ni nk mkn soto or fries n nugget' and end up aku order NASI AYAM GORENG..
  • jam-'org nk beli jam kulit laa mak' and end up beli jam STELL..
  • jam-'cantik jam swatch ni(dh belek mcm2 jenis jam kt kedai swatch)' and end up beli CASIO..
  • heels-'black or brown?' and end up beli GOLD...
i just remember this four things for this moment...actually byk lagi yg aku buat will be end up dgn benda yg jauh menyimpng...tgk tang mkn tu je..otak duk fikir nk mkn nugget or soto..tup tup p order nasi goreng ayam...apakah...jauh gila dari apa yg aku duk fikir..hahaha
what to do..dis is me..cannot make the correct decision even for the small thing like "what i'm gonna to eat??"..
but there's a few things dat i'll turn into STUBBORN gila!!when i said white it MUST be white..

i THINK...the main problem is I AM TOO CHOOSY AND FUSSY...
betul laa tue...if i am simple person;tak da prob pn nk mkn apa,nk pakai bju warna apa, nk minum apa...hahaha
mungkin perlu berubah demi kebaikkan pikah...YOU SHOULD!!!

Monday, August 02, 2010

Housemate oh rumate oh bedmate :)


Dear Cikin,
  • Happy birthday, may ALLAH s.w.t bless u my friend..
  • Semoga bertemu jodoh dgn bicycle-boy..hahahaha..
Cikin...thank you for being my good rumate..since dip lg until today..berapa tahun dah??
4 thun setengah kn kn kn???hahahaha..dan terima kasih juga kerana BERSABAR dgn sy..ya sy adalah org yg panas baran..hehehe ingat tak kita penah gaduh psl nasi lemak?...
i merajuk dgn u..huwaaaa..sgt kanak-kanak..
and i still remember ur 1st joke.."yasir suka ika.."cis mamarazi sgt kn..hahahaha
naik ambulance p medical check up..haha NIKMUT..hahaha lg..
cop..jatuh masa main basketball sakit tak??masa tu kita sem 2 kn..haha gigih main basket dlm hujan..GEDEBUK jatuh masa kejar bola!!hahahaha lawak ok..

Maybe i'm not good rumate for u..
but i'm glad when u become my rumate since dip smpai laa masuk degree ni..
like someone said: "ika n ekyn dpt wat degree kt tempt yg sama??wow"..
okey..kita adalah UPIN dan IPIN...haha selalu buli kakak peanut eventho dia tu senior kita!!haha

i am really really sorry if ada buat awk sakit hati cikin..i know this words "TAWU'' mampu buat awk sakit hati and also my "NOT RESPONDING" mode bila tgh khusyuk main game or tgh buat apa2 yg mampu buat awk menyirap kn..sori erk..hehe :)

p/s; i loveeee u bedmate.. hehehe