akibat degil..
aku berjalan lalu terjatuh..
akibat degil..
aku terjatuh dan cuba utk bangun..
akibat degil..
cubaan bangun yg tidak berjaya..
akibat degil..
aku berjaya dan berdiri kembali..
akibat degil..
aku belajar utk mula melangkah kembali..
akibat degil..
aku akhirnya kembali terjatuh utk yg ke sekian kalinyaaaaaa..
dan mungkin akibat degil mampu buat aku berdiri kembali dan terus BERLARI...bukan lagi BEJALAN!
Knowing me!!

- Cik Pikah
- she's BLUR..she's SLEEPY..she's ERRATIC..she's SARCASTIC..she loved NICE FINGERS..she loved to be BOOK WORM..she loved SEPET EYES..she addicted to MIRROR..she addicted to NON-MALAY MOVIE.. she addicted to TAGALOG..she ANTI TAUGE TEGAR :) yeah she is what she is..if YOU dont like..what she can say;"like i care?"..
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Hidup TOLONG jangan degil sangat boleh tak?
Thursday, March 24, 2011
to my friendsssssssssssssssssss :)
Good Friends And Best Friends
Friends are there for many different reasons.
Friends come in many different types of ways.
Friends are always there through all the seasons.
Friends are always there through different times of the days.
Sometimes you will always have good friends.
Sometimes that may be very cool and nice.
But you will always have your true best friend.
Friends come in many different types of ways.
Friends are always there through all the seasons.
Friends are always there through different times of the days.
Sometimes you will always have good friends.
Sometimes that may be very cool and nice.
But you will always have your true best friend.
That will always be there to give advice.
Good friends give you answers and sometimes let you copy.
Best friends will always show you how.
Good friends have the talent to keep you happy.+
Best friends will take time to teach you now.
Both are there to share your life.
And share your burden in times of strife.
Good friends give you answers and sometimes let you copy.
Best friends will always show you how.
Good friends have the talent to keep you happy.+
Best friends will take time to teach you now.
Both are there to share your life.
And share your burden in times of strife.
By:Stephanie Suarez
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
learned how to SMILE :)
itu title sgt poyoossss...hahaha
now saya boleh tersenyum dgn senang hati sebabbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb..
PRACTICAL REPORT IS DONE...15th March dah kena submit which is yesterday..
maka dgn senang hatinya saya mengisytiharkan MERDEKA!!!
ok sat..merdeka utk practical report jaaa..thesis belum siap lagi..harus gigih..
mari cerita pasal practical report..report ni consist FIVE credit hours..(mcm kejam if tak dapat A)...
tppppp utk dapat A itu sgt TIDAK mudah ok..harus di lihat siapakah supervisor yg meng-supervise saya!
some of my friends dpt supervisor yg sangat sporting tp saya dapat yg sgt GARANG!
sumpah tak tipu..attendance-sheet sepatutnya TUJUH kali kena jumpa..tp saya hanya EMPAT saja!
alasan kenapa tak mau jumpa sebab malas nk dgr dia perli2..perli yg sgt sinis ok!sooo kteorg yg bwh puan ni malas nak jumpa dia..ada 9 org kot bwh puan yg rajin jumpa adalah dalam 3 or 4 org ja..
huwaaaaaaaaaaaa...harapan saya utk practical report ni paling bacin bg lah saya A- ya puan..merayu ni :)
heheh nite everyone..
and haa..esok saya demam..tak boleh p claz :P
now saya boleh tersenyum dgn senang hati sebabbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb..
PRACTICAL REPORT IS DONE...15th March dah kena submit which is yesterday..
maka dgn senang hatinya saya mengisytiharkan MERDEKA!!!
ok sat..merdeka utk practical report jaaa..thesis belum siap lagi..harus gigih..
mari cerita pasal practical report..report ni consist FIVE credit hours..(mcm kejam if tak dapat A)...
tppppp utk dapat A itu sgt TIDAK mudah ok..harus di lihat siapakah supervisor yg meng-supervise saya!
some of my friends dpt supervisor yg sangat sporting tp saya dapat yg sgt GARANG!
sumpah tak tipu..attendance-sheet sepatutnya TUJUH kali kena jumpa..tp saya hanya EMPAT saja!
alasan kenapa tak mau jumpa sebab malas nk dgr dia perli2..perli yg sgt sinis ok!sooo kteorg yg bwh puan ni malas nak jumpa dia..ada 9 org kot bwh puan yg rajin jumpa adalah dalam 3 or 4 org ja..
huwaaaaaaaaaaaa...harapan saya utk practical report ni paling bacin bg lah saya A- ya puan..merayu ni :)
heheh nite everyone..
and haa..esok saya demam..tak boleh p claz :P
Wednesday, March 09, 2011
Jatuh Suka dengan hanya sekali dengar..
wakaka..title gila jiwang nk mam kannn..but who cares..
ni td duk tgk satu vc ni..tiba-tiba keluar satu lagu yg maha sedap..
terus suka..maybe sebab lagu tu jenis lagu patah hati..
yaaa..dats me..suka lagu patah hati even hati tak patah pun :P
makaa..selepas TERsuka lagu tu..
dgn gigihnya aku bising satu rumah tanya "ni lagu siapa?aku sukaaaaa.." "ko ada tak lagu ni?" "Dayana tlg downloadkan lagu tu boleh tak?" ini adalah antara dialog2 org yg jatuh suka tu :)
sebab tak tau tajuk lagu tu apa..aku pun duk GOOGLE one part of the lyric..
which is aku hanya ingin kau tahu...then google help me..THANKS mr.google :)
dan dan dan dannnnnnnnn..rupanya lagu ni dah TIGA tahun kot..kenapa baru sekarang aku dengar??
and haa...rasanya pernah dgr lagu ni dlm sinetron Melati Untuk Marvel..but tak sure..boleh gitu?? itu laaa itu :)
Republik - Hanya Ingin Kau Tahu Lirik
Ku telah miliki
Rasa indahnya perihku
Rasa hancurnya harapku
Kau lepas cintaku
Rasakan abadi
Sekalipun kau mengerti
Sekalipun kau pahami
Ku pikir ku salah mengertimu
Aku hanya ingin kau tahu
Besarnya cintaku
Tingginya khayalku bersamamu
Tuk lalui waktu yang tersisa kini
Di setiap hariku
Di sisa akhir nafas hidupku
Ow wooo wo wo wo
Walaupun semua hanya ada dalam mimpiku
Hanya ada dalam anganku
Melewati hidup
Rasakan abadi
Sekalipun kau mengerti
Sekalipun kau pahami
Ku pikir ku salah mengertimu
Aku hanya ingin kau tahu
Besarnya cintaku
Tingginya khayalku bersamamu
Tuk lalui waktu yang tersisa kini
Di setiap hariku
Di sisa akhir nafas hidupku
Aku hanya ingin kau tahu
Besarnya cintaku
Tingginya khayalku bersamamu
Tuk lalui waktu yang tersisa kini
Di setiap hariku
Di sisa akhir nafas hidupku
Ow wooo wo wo wo wo wo wo wo wo
thanks to my berukband yg tak boleh2 nk download lagu ni kan..terimasss...
ni td duk tgk satu vc ni..tiba-tiba keluar satu lagu yg maha sedap..
terus suka..maybe sebab lagu tu jenis lagu patah hati..
yaaa..dats me..suka lagu patah hati even hati tak patah pun :P
makaa..selepas TERsuka lagu tu..
dgn gigihnya aku bising satu rumah tanya "ni lagu siapa?aku sukaaaaa.." "ko ada tak lagu ni?" "Dayana tlg downloadkan lagu tu boleh tak?" ini adalah antara dialog2 org yg jatuh suka tu :)
sebab tak tau tajuk lagu tu apa..aku pun duk GOOGLE one part of the lyric..
which is aku hanya ingin kau tahu...then google help me..THANKS mr.google :)
dan dan dan dannnnnnnnn..rupanya lagu ni dah TIGA tahun kot..kenapa baru sekarang aku dengar??
and haa...rasanya pernah dgr lagu ni dlm sinetron Melati Untuk Marvel..but tak sure..boleh gitu?? itu laaa itu :)
Republik - Hanya Ingin Kau Tahu Lirik
Ku telah miliki
Rasa indahnya perihku
Rasa hancurnya harapku
Kau lepas cintaku
Rasakan abadi
Sekalipun kau mengerti
Sekalipun kau pahami
Ku pikir ku salah mengertimu
Aku hanya ingin kau tahu
Besarnya cintaku
Tingginya khayalku bersamamu
Tuk lalui waktu yang tersisa kini
Di setiap hariku
Di sisa akhir nafas hidupku
Ow wooo wo wo wo
Walaupun semua hanya ada dalam mimpiku
Hanya ada dalam anganku
Melewati hidup
Rasakan abadi
Sekalipun kau mengerti
Sekalipun kau pahami
Ku pikir ku salah mengertimu
Aku hanya ingin kau tahu
Besarnya cintaku
Tingginya khayalku bersamamu
Tuk lalui waktu yang tersisa kini
Di setiap hariku
Di sisa akhir nafas hidupku
Aku hanya ingin kau tahu
Besarnya cintaku
Tingginya khayalku bersamamu
Tuk lalui waktu yang tersisa kini
Di setiap hariku
Di sisa akhir nafas hidupku
Ow wooo wo wo wo wo wo wo wo wo
thanks to my berukband yg tak boleh2 nk download lagu ni kan..terimasss...
he he he
nak tunjuk ni jek sebenarnya...
'ini' tu maksudnya nak tunjuk DYNAS reply my tweet :)
Friday, March 04, 2011
oh lovely friday :)
hari ni konon2 nya berjanji utk siapkan practical report..
harammmmmmmmmm...usik chapter 1 ja..itu pun sikit (nak sedapkan hati)
ok kejap lagi confirm akan sambung buat report tu sampai habis..
dan satu lagi pembaziran yg aku buat hari ni..duk meng-on9 kan diri tpppp...
bukan on9 pun..duk gigih main game jek dari td.hahah yeah..dats me for today..
nah nak tunjuk sikit my lovely new tweets layout :) i likeeeee it
hahaha ini namanyaaa pura-pura TIADA KERJA padahal...
bersusun mcm apa jaa..haiyaaaa..
around 32 days before my final exam for final semester..cuak ada di mana-mana :(
ok..nak bersiram then focus siapkan practical report..
harap-harap madam tak marah coz aku jarang jumpa dia.
bukan tak mau jumpa tp malas nk jumpa dia sebab diaaaaa....hahah RAHSIA :)
bye blogggg...see you again when i'm free :)
harammmmmmmmmm...usik chapter 1 ja..itu pun sikit (nak sedapkan hati)
ok kejap lagi confirm akan sambung buat report tu sampai habis..
dan satu lagi pembaziran yg aku buat hari ni..duk meng-on9 kan diri tpppp...
bukan on9 pun..duk gigih main game jek dari td.hahah yeah..dats me for today..
nah nak tunjuk sikit my lovely new tweets layout :) i likeeeee it
hahaha ini namanyaaa pura-pura TIADA KERJA padahal...
bersusun mcm apa jaa..haiyaaaa..
around 32 days before my final exam for final semester..cuak ada di mana-mana :(
ok..nak bersiram then focus siapkan practical report..
harap-harap madam tak marah coz aku jarang jumpa dia.
bukan tak mau jumpa tp malas nk jumpa dia sebab diaaaaa....hahah RAHSIA :)
bye blogggg...see you again when i'm free :)
Wednesday, March 02, 2011
I never be the same if we ever meet again..
Some Day You'll Love Me But I Won't Love You
Time will make you forget me but time will make me love you more than before.
If I never met you, I wouldn't like you. If I didn't like you I wouldn't love you.
If I didn't love you I wouldn't miss you, but I did, I do and I will.
If I didn't love you I wouldn't miss you, but I did, I do and I will.
My heart longs for you, my soul dies for you,
my eyes cry for you, my empty arms reach out for you.
my eyes cry for you, my empty arms reach out for you.
Forget who hurt you yesterday,
But don't forget who loves you tenderly today.
But don't forget who loves you tenderly today.
Love can make you happy but often times it hurts,
but love is only special when you give it to who its worth.
but love is only special when you give it to who its worth.
Boyfriends/girlfriends come and go, but friends are forever.
The hardest part of loving someone is knowing when to let go,
and knowing when to say goodbye.
and knowing when to say goodbye.
No pleassure, no expressions just an illusion of what should of but wasnt.
I hate you for not letting me have you.
Forget the times he/she walked by, Forget the times he/she made you cry,
Forget the times he/she spoke your name, Remember now your not the same.
Forget the times he/she held your hand, Forget the sweet things if you can,
Forget the times & Don't pretend, Remember now he's/she’s just your friend.
Forget the times he/she spoke your name, Remember now your not the same.
Forget the times he/she held your hand, Forget the sweet things if you can,
Forget the times & Don't pretend, Remember now he's/she’s just your friend.
The day you finally decide to love me will be the day
after the day I have given up on chasing you
after the day I have given up on chasing you
I hate to see the one I love happy with somebody
but I surely hate it more to see the one I love unhappy with me...
but I surely hate it more to see the one I love unhappy with me...
I had a dream and it was about you ...
I smiled and recalled the memories we had ...
then I noticed a tear fell from my eyes ... you know why?
Coz in my dream you kissed me and said goodbye ...
I smiled and recalled the memories we had ...
then I noticed a tear fell from my eyes ... you know why?
Coz in my dream you kissed me and said goodbye ...
ini di dedicate speciaaaaaaaal utk kawan saya..
what ever it is..life must be go on yar :)
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